Candy Box Wiki

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The Sword of Randomness is a sword that is level infinity added to your sword's previous level. You get it by buying level 5 bug over and over again until you get it. It sometimes destroys your health, but sometimes increases it, it also kills everything except the developper (or yourself if you get your health buffed up to the "e"'s) in a single hit. Sometimes it may change your character randomly. This is the highest level sword you can receive in Candy Box.

On every attack with this sword

  • (20% chance) Changes the player's ASCII to " " (blanks).
  • (20% chance) Changes the player's ASCII to "___".
  • (20% chance) Changes the player's ASCII to "r"?"r", the middle ? character can be "a", "p", "^", "'", "-", "+", "n", "m", "s", "o" or ",".
  • (20% chance) Sets the player's current hp to 0 to 200% of the current hp.
  • (20% chance) Sets the player's current hp to 0 to 200% of the max hp.

On top of 1 of the above effects, the sword also deals from 0 to 114*SwordLevel damage to the enemy.
